Diablo 4 lilith art
Diablo 4 lilith art

diablo 4 lilith art

Lilith's return has spawned a new wave of cultists and worshippers, but regardless of dogma, all prayers remain unanswered.

diablo 4 lilith art

CULT OF PERSONALITY The pious plead for guidance from their faith, but doubts have them feeling that their devotion is misplaced. Depraved demons and corrupted wildlife roam the land unchecked, as terrified townsfolk huddle in dark corners trying to survive one more day. A REIGN OF ENMITY Chaos threatens to consume Sanctuary as evil and impeity continue to spread. An old legend has it that Sanctuary was created by the union of an Angel and a Demon, and that their descendants - humanity - built villages, then cities and empires, spreading across the land to form the world's cultures and civilization. Her return ushers in a new era of misery and darkness. An old legend has it that Sanctuary was created by the union of an Angel and a Demon, and that their descendants - MEET YOUR MAKER - Lilith has returned to Santuary, summoned by a dark ritual after eons in exile.

diablo 4 lilith art

Summary: MEET YOUR MAKER - Lilith has returned to Santuary, summoned by a dark ritual after eons in exile.

Diablo 4 lilith art